Remembering God during Technology Time

An Opened Bible

Do they remember their relationship with God when they’re online?

Do you only talk about God with your kids on Sunday? What about when they’re firing up their game console? I encourage you to consider whether your kids remember God during their technology time.

Here’s a real exchange that was used before one child I know started his PC gaming.

“Video games are fun, but what is most important of all? According to Matthew 22:37 it is Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (NIV)  [Hopefully your child will join in the recitation of the verse. A young child may join in with the Hands On Bible version (NLT, Tyndale).]

Today while you are playing, I want you to think about a way you can show the Lord you love Him. Playing video games is fun, but that is not your purpose.

Maybe you can exercise or play between games to gain physical strength for the Lord—in case he ever needs you to save or help someone? (There’s an adventurous thought.)

Or maybe you can pause between games to think about how you can tell your online friend about Jesus?

Or maybe you can play a little less today—and use that time to pray to Him about anything that is bothering you?

Which of these things could you do today?”

You know your child–make a suggestion that makes sense to who he is and what he likes.  That is, give him ideas he can respond favorably to.

Remembering God During Play

By reciting a verse before play, you are invoking God during a time that would otherwise simply be about entertainment. Of course, if you already speak spiritual matters with your child, this may be easy for you. If you don’t, simplify it.  In fact, pare it down sufficiently to encourage the child toward God-thinking without scaring him away from the effort. If he is a cynical pre-teen, allow him space to hear you without necessarily responding just then.

Later, follow up with him (when he’s feeling less cynical?). It will give you a chance to do a couple of things:

  • Revisit the verse.
  • Encourage him again toward physical activity or other suggestion you made.
  • Help you better understand his comfort level with his faith.
  • Learn about what is bothering him.

On one occasion when I failed to follow up, the next day my son offered his own update about how he had chosen to spend time doing push ups during breaks in his game play.

Many activities that strengthen your child can be incorporated into their game time or screen time.  For more ways to encourage fruitful purposes online, go to

Whatever you learn about your child, he will begin to learn that turning on technology does not mean tuning out God.

Photo by J. Mark Bertrand via Compfight

Originally published 12/29/2013, updated w/ link 12/6/2021.