Ask your child a simple question and then offer a simple truth about his online gaming experience. “Have you played any video games with Bible stories or characters in them?” With this question, you may just broaden his mental vista to see that the games he plays do relate to real life. They relate either… Continue reading
Post Category → General Observations
Broad thoughts about technology in the home.
Add a Biblical Insight: Turn a Child’s Anecdote into a Deeper Exchange to Encourage Biblical Thinking
Add a biblical insight to conversations with your child as they share their online experiences. For today learn one thing that happened in your child’s online universe. Ask “So what happened today when you were online with your friends/at school?” or “What interesting/funny thing happened when you were playing Animal Crossing with your brother?” If… Continue reading
A Little Byte: Curate
What do you see when you frame your family’s computer with your fingers and squint? Seurat’s Sunday on La Grand Jatte? A chaotic Jackson Pollack? A Steve Jobs original? A Disney collectible? Munch’s The Scream? It’s likely no two parents will agree on what having technology in the picture looks like to a child’s social,… Continue reading