Have you ever considered directing your child’s entertainment into an enrichment experience that naturally leads to talk of God? “Today I earned the RCXD on Arms Race!” “I enchanted my Diamond Chestplate to Bane of Arthropods!” Admittedly, these exclamations from your child sound like undecipherable mumbo-jumbo. But consider listening when your child tells you about… Continue reading
Post Category → Inspiring Creativity
Avoid allowing video games to take over your child’s imagination. Be sure gamemakers’ imaginations aren’t suffocating your child’s own blossoming creativity.
Consecrate Some Screen Time to God
Could you encourage your children to consecrate some screen time to God soon? What if it mainly depends on your direct question to them today? Then a brief reminder again next week? And revisiting the idea again soon after that? I’m not talking about anything heavy and theological here. But if you plant the seed,… Continue reading
Are You Initiating or Influencing Your Techy Teen’s Interests?
As I wrote in my previous post Tracking Your Teen On His Technical Path, the course your techy teen takes to follow his technical bliss requires different levels of attention from you as parent. I noticed changing aspects to my own support of my son as he progressed. I see it as a continuum. You will probably recognize… Continue reading